For anybody who may have missed it, last week we announced on the WPBundle progress blog that we were joining forces with the awesome WooThemes on our latest project, the WordPress Bundle, or WPBundle.

The new partnership means an even more exciting future for the project that we’ve put so much love into.

Brief Overview

The partnership allows us to offer our customers the save level of support that people know and love over at WooThemes. The guys at WooThemes have a solid support system in place that is well known for it’s high quality and efficiency, and now anyone who buys from WPBundle will receive the same level of support at no extra cost or monthly fee.

All of our themes will now be built on the WooFramework, the exact same framework used in all of the WooThemes products.

The Framework allows some extended controls, features and functions and allows us to have a standardized framework across all of our own themes, which is great news for future updates and additional features.

Anybody who has used a theme by WooThemes before will be instantly familiar with how our themes will work, but likewise, for new customers you’ll find it easy to pick up, with everything already well documented.

We’re still in full control of the design & development of the themes, so none of designs will change, and none of our ideas will have to change as a result, so it’s a very positive partnership that helps us move forward with the project that we’ve put so much work into already. Exciting times ahead for sure.

Full Details

We’ve put together the full details of the deal and what it means for the project, or you can also read ho WooThemes announced it on their blog.

There’s still a lot of details & announcements to come, but for now we’re happy to have such a big player on board to help us on our journey, and it’s amazing to have some of the same amazing things that people love about WooThemes available now to our own customers.

Follow the Progress

As part of the build up to the launch we’re sharing previews on the progress blog. Here’s some of what we’ve been working on:

Each new shot gives you an insight into the quality of design work that goes into each theme, but also gives you a chance to see us build the bundle and see some of the ideas behind each one.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter too for more updates.