Since this afternoon, our lunch was very simple and cheap. We believe we must buy ourselves something to compensate the lost in nutrition. By this time, the usual mobile peddler who sell everything you can imagine from char siew pau, chicken pau, siew mai, to soya bean drinks, drove by our house.

We quickly rushed out and bought this…

A big bottle of Soya Bean Drink, for RM4.80. Not cheap, right?

Anyway, I think it is OK since he delivers the goods to your gate front in a mini lorry. Yes, that’s the price of convenience. The soya bean drink tastes great, not too sweet and very refreshing.

OK, that’s all for now, I am going to get myself another cup :)


Soya bean has many nutritional advantages as it contains protein, fibre and isoflavones which have positive effects on cholesterol, bone density, menstrual and menopausal symptoms as well as preventing certain cancers. It is thought to be a wonder food by some who believe it can cure kidney disease, water retention, common colds, anaemia and leg ulcers.