World Milk Day is held every 1st of June. It started from the dawn of the new millennium. The reason being the fact that FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) discovered that we aren't drinking enough milk.

So, let me explain the benefits of drinking milk. I mean; why should we? Most of us are already no more kids right? WRONG!

See...even a BIG boy like The Hulk drinks his milk...He needs it to retain his strong bones! We constantly forget that our bones actually consist of living tissues. When we lack calcium, our body actually drains the calcium from our bones (reservoir). So, we need the nutrition from milk to replenish the calcium contents in our bones. By drinking milk 3 times a day, in addition to exercising, we can reduce the risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Also if you want to have great hair like Hayden, drink up your milk as it contains proteins, lipids, calcium, vitamin A, B6, biotin and potassium. Try bathing in it; who knows your hair might be softer. If it doesn't work, try papaya extract. Wait..i'm still talking about milk.
Hayden also has a beautiful smile. Milk helps her reduce the risk of tooth decay by acting as a substitute to our saliva to clear cavity-promoting substance. Milk also acts as a buffer to protect our teeth from harmful acids as well as to rematerialise tooth enamel. Maybe our teeth can be whiter if we drink enough milk? ;)

Lazy?? Want to have a better snooze? Milk helps you sleep as well as a pig like Garfield. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid used to make serotonin (feel good substrate). Warming up milk activates tryptophan. Serotonin helps you relaxxzzzz...

Even Superman agrees... ;) Milk helps you feel Super!

Haha! All these got milk ads make me want to do it myself ;P Next time...

To help share the privilege of drinking milk with needy kids, just head on to here and click on the feed-a-child icon. With every click, a packet of UHT milk will go towards nourishing a needy child. Share the love y'all! =D